Finding Healing Within Level One

Finding Healing Within is the signature process that is the foundation of all the other self-guided classes. This comprehensive class teaches you how to use guided imagery to connect to the presence of love in your own psyche and bring that healing power to the wounds that block your ability to be creatively and passionately alive. Finding Healing within Level One will give you the foundational tools that you will need to begin to relate to yourself with love and compassion and to access the spiritual resources that you need to fully heal from within.
This is a great course to begin with as the topics include: The Power of Imagination to Heal; The Importance of Inner Safety; Loving Your Walls; Honoring your Emotional Wounds; and Working with an Inner Healer. The course includes 16 audio teachings and transcripts, (each 10-20min in length) 16 guided imagery meditations, and 8 worksheets.
Once you have made a payment online or via check email and you will receive the course password and instructions.
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Finding Healing Within Level One Course
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8 Downloaded Sessions
(Includes 16 Teachings, 17 Guided Imagery Meditations, 8 Worksheets)
Written Materials and Audio Recordings
$289 via PayPal using your credit card or checking account