Complimentary Guided Imagery Meditations
by Kathleen E. Denison

Connecting to a Spiritual Resource

After being led to a place that is safe and nurturing, this meditation helps you connect to a loving, Spiritual Presence that can be a source of guidance, support, and healing for you at this time in your life.

The Tree Meditation

This meditation is designed to help you become more grounded, connect to your higher consciousness, and to feel nurtured and empowered from the higher realms and from the earth.

My Essence is Divine Meditation

At this time in our world, many people are unconsciously merged with the collective field of fear, frustration, and anxiety that pervades our society. This meditation is designed to help you unplug from the contagion of fear that has been so rampant in the collective consciousness currently, and to help you tune into your Divine essence to feel renewed energy, peace, and safety.

Well-Being Prevails Meditation

It is tempting to lose hope, to feel discouraged with yourself and the world. This meditation invites you into a deeper place within yourself, where the Divine resides within you. The present moment becomes a portal into a state of well-beingness.